Có 2 kết quả:

上头 shàng tóu ㄕㄤˋ ㄊㄡˊ上頭 shàng tóu ㄕㄤˋ ㄊㄡˊ


Từ điển Trung-Anh

(1) (of alcohol) to go to one's head
(2) (old) (of a bride-to-be) to bind one's hair into a bun
(3) (of a prostitute) to receive a patron for the first time

Từ điển Trung-Anh

(1) (of alcohol) to go to one's head
(2) (old) (of a bride-to-be) to bind one's hair into a bun
(3) (of a prostitute) to receive a patron for the first time